I would like to take this time to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
I pray that everyone has a prosperous year in 2008!
Many people have chosen to have a New Years Resolution and I am no different! I am striving for a much different resolution this year. My resolution is:
1. Be a better Christian example
2. Spend more time in prayer
3. Share God's plan of salvation with others
I guess I need to add lose weight, but, that is hard in my line of work. I just have to sample things sometimes. haha!
I would like to take this time to thank all of my loyal customers and friends! 2007 was a hard year for my family. In reflection, Dillon's life-threatening illness in January, John Ryan's surgery in May, Dillon breaking his hip 4 days later, and John's surgery six weeks later...you all understood when I needed time off to be at the hospital, doctors visits and most of all your prayers and uplifting words of support. I could always count on you when I needed you! THANK YOU! I have made some of the most wonderful friends in 2007 and hope that I keep adding them in 2008. Please continue to pray for Dillon as we are still in that "period" where we are still waiting on the A-Vascular Nero sis. I know that with all of the many prayers that was said for Dillon and it being God's will...his hip and leg are much much better. May 15, 2008 is our target day. If he makes it to that date and his femoral head is not dying, we'll be over the critical period.
Have a wonderful year!
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