OK my blogger friends, I thought about this for the last few days am so happy to share this with you! What a better way to start the New Year than by giving away a "Surprise Dinner For Two". What girl doesn't love a
surprise and not having to cook! I will post the lucky winner's name after it has been drawn. Here are the rules....Tell me what you enjoy the most about Valentine's Day. Maybe something you did, something you received, ideas, food....I hope you see where I am going. I will randomly draw a name on Monday, January 14
th...that's only 5 days away....Good luck and tell me what your most fond memories are about Valentine's.
**If you link this post to to your blog and others play along and mention your name you will be added for each additional comment!
My greatest Valentine's Day was almost three years ago. I spent it in the hospital giving birth to my baby girl, Lauren. Mike brought me pink roses. He can try as hard as he wants to, but that one will never be topped!
If I win that drawing....it might come close with food that good! Just kidding! Great idea Joy!
I guess my favorite thing about Valentine's Day is knowing that Thomas and I usually get a night out alone. With three children and being on the go all the time, it's always hard to schedule time alone with each other. And this is why I always look forward to Valentine's Day.
Oh yeah, I'm going to put a link to you on my site :)
Valentines Day is such a nice day because my husband always trys to think of not only me but our 2 daughters as well and buys us something special. He takes the time to go and pick out the gift whether it be some flowers, jewelry or something fun. Sometimes I think daddys don't want to take the time to do something special and they don't realize it's the little things that count to "us girls!"
Even though I think it is all about commercialism, I like that there is a day set aside to tell people you love them. Sometimes life gets in the way and time goes by without you saying what you want to say. Valentine's Day kinda "forces" you to make time to say "I love you."
I love Valentines Day when I was in elementary school I loved exchanging Valentines, I guess I never stoped because I still do this with my family. I give my husband and children a card telling them how I love them, and how important they are in my life. We put them on the mantel for one week. We do this on birthdays, and every Holiday. One of Brittneys friends asked her "does your family celebrate EVERY Holiday? lol I think we should take every opportunity to let our loved ones know how important they are in our lives!! Valentines Day is a day that has LOVE written all over it! So however you chose to say it, show it, or share it, just do it :) I will post a link on my site back to you! Have a blessed week and thanks for letting me share!
I love Valentine's Day. My husband and I usually go out to eat to a nice restaurant and exchange cards. This year will be Mylie's first Valentine experence. We plan on taking her with us this year, because we want to be with the ones we love the most!
Linking to you! Thanks for the opportunity!
Usually Steve and I aren't big on celebrating Valentine's Day. Sometimes we go out to eat and others we stay at home. This year we will be staying at home and celebrating with Marlee and the new baby. What better way to celebrate than with a new baby! That to me is the greatest way to show love and be loved.
Danielle Sliger
My favorite Valentine's Day was probably the one before I got married in the summer. Not only did my fiance send me a dozen beautiful pink roses to work, but when I got home, my dad had bought me a gorgeous lamp for my soon-to-be new home! It was a very sweet day! My dad always tries to do something for me and my mom, but this year was extra special....my best one so far!
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway! I learned about this from Sheila at Gim'Me Memories.
Candy Woodlee at Irving College Elementary was having trouble with her google address and asked for me to post her.
Valentine's Day allows you to show your love for not only your significant other, but your family, too. My mother has always made it a point to get me and my brother and sister something small for Valentine's Day every year. She still does this even though we are all now in our twenties. You know that your parents love you, but Valentine's Day is always special to me because of my mom. I just hope she knows how wonderful she makes it for us.
Candy Woodlee said, "The first year I was married 26 years ago, on Valentines my husband was late coming home and hadn't even called. I just knew he had forgotten Valentine's Day. I was worried and mad because I had prepared a good dinner and was looking forward to him getting home. When he finally arrived 2 hours late I was mad as a wet hen, that was until he pulled a dozen roses roses out from behind his back and I realized he hadn't forgotten. I felt like a heel and wonderful all at the same time. He has been my rock for the last 26 years and I wouldn't know how to get along without him.
Hello! I was engaged to my husband of 30 years on Valentine's Day in 1977. We went to a park and chose our wedding colors by the setting sun (pink, lavendar and blue!) We went on to make a wonderful life and we have a 22 year old daughter who is getting married in March. We hope we have given her an example of what good married life looks like!
I'll link this from my blog, too!
Oops, that last one was mine.. I must have been logged into my daugher's blog!
My greatest Valentine's day was last year when jason and TAVEN took me out to eat to mikado's in nashville, if you have never been there please try it. But during the day on valentine's i went to the junkyard to visit jason and his nephew who was three at the time, handed me a card and it had a cat on the front and inside it said to the greatest girlfriend, love camron. and i will always remember that!! thanks joy for this giveaway... it's an awesome idea... and by the way JOHN RYAN IS IN MY ENGLISH CLASS =)
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