Ok, the Sunday Lunch Crew went to Lacazona today for lunch. Today we had such a good time with Daryll & Dot Dunn and their kids, Rudie and Kathy Thomsen and their son, and Susan Grandey and her youngest daughter and her friend Haley. We all decided that it is ok for Coy to call us the "Not So Young-Young Adult Class" at church. We have been giving him a hard time about referring to us as that, but it is ok now. Today we missed the Britton crew. Big Dave is off to Michigan for a business trip and Joyce was on boy patrol.
I guess where I am going with this is......one of the most important things you can do together is to fellowship. We need to stop and have good fellowship on a regular basis. Dot mentioned to us that we need to start once a month having a "Not So Young Adult" movie night/card game night. I agree 100%! If you girls are like me, you are over worked and under paid! Being a mom is hard work! Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses! And of course, I don't get to do that much any more! With ball season coming up, I sure won't get much time for anything!
Well girls, I guess I had better go and get everyone started getting ready for p.m. worship services...And now I am stiff getting up. "Not So Young Adults....yeah!"
PS-Thanks Ms. Paula for the Twix this morning at church! I was having a horrible sinking spell!
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