I just had to share these wonderful pictures of my Wednesday night class at church. I teach the 3rd-5th grade class at Westwood church of Christ. I chose "The Role of a Christian Woman in the Church" as my topic for this quarter. I have taught the girls about how important their work as young ladies is in the church. We've talked about how important they are as future christians. They can do such great work for example: make communion bread, send cards to the sick, make gift baskets, collect boxes of kleenex for the sick in the hospital, have a prayer list, and so forth. Tonight my girls signed cards for the sick and shut ins. We are going to mail them tomorrow. We also signed cards for our soldiers in the military. I am so very proud of these girls. They are so precious! They each have jobs to do in class! From writing the names of the prayer list on the board, leading prayer, helping others, cleaning up, coming up with wonderful acts of kindness.

This Sunday the girls and I are going to make communion bread. This is such a wonderful thing for them to learn. Katie and I learned it several years ago when we attended Central. Ms. Johnnie Walker has a beautiful recipe for it in her recipe cookbook. If you can, please read this. It is such a warm uplifting recipe.
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