I am overwhelmed with the response from Christmas in the Park! It was fabulous!!!!
I would like to say a special Thank You to the following people: my husband John, Kathy and Rudie Thomsen, and Kenny Hodges. If it hadn't been for John, I could not have completed my booth! He helped me with all of the set up and with all of the customers and closing down last night! I love you! Kathy and Rudie for all of their help with the hot chocolate! You will never know how much I appreciate you! Kenny Hodges for bringing me the tent and help us set it up in the grassy area. Paul Holder and Co. for letting us use their electricity and water while ours was down. The City of McMinnville Employees who helped us get our power restored the many, many times it went down. And a special thank you to my two children Dillon and Katie for not fussing about staying at home. Both children have asthma and we couldn't risk them getting sick. Especially for the tournament next week Katie will be playing in and as well for both of them with Christmas coming up.
Thank you to Natalie Miller, Stephanie Ward, Shelia Boyd, Shawna Wiley and all of the Junior Auxiliary members! You girls are so sweet! I hope that I can set another booth up next year!
Thank you to all of my customers who came to my booth! I can't believe how many hot dogs, chili, hot chocolate, and hot Dr. pepper we sold. John and I had a bet on how much we would sell. Of course, he lost! lol I love the comment that Shannon left about the booth! Thank You!
Boy it sure was cold! But the most funny thing that happened last night, happened when the Kenny Chesney look-a-like was up on stage. Kathy and Rudie got a kick out of me singing "All I Want For Christmas Is A Real Good Tan". Rudie wanted me to get up there and sing with him. Don't think so brother! I am a bathroom singer not a stage singer. I just like Kenny's music!
Joy you did a fabulous job last night! Thank you for helping to make "Christmas in the Park 2007" so unique and wonderful for our hometown. We look forward to next year and many more happy holidays in our wonderful downtown!! Have a blessed day
Joy you did a fabulous job last night! Thank you for helping to make "Christmas in the Park 2007" so unique and wonderful for our hometown. We look forward to next year and many more happy holidays in our wonderful downtown!! Have a blessed day
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