Thursday, April 10th: I am so glad that Andy got to come out yesterday to have some fun because last night at 8:27 p.m. Dot called me and told me that he was running a fever and off the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for a 7 to 10 day stay. He is very sick today! He is back on his morphine for the pain. Please pray for this sweet little boy! God is the only one who can save this angel boy! I believe that with everything that is in me!
Today, (Wed.) I got the most absolute wonderful visitor come bouncing up my back porch steps. And of course it would be my Andy with his sweet smile on his face! Andy wanted to get his picture made beside my beautiful Weeping Cherry and my Indian Magic Crabapples. In this picture I had to ask him....Where are your eyes boy?
He found himself up underneath the crabapples and listened to the honey bees just a buzzing up in the blooms. Check out that sweet little bald head. I just love rubbing it.
We pulled the hat up and found his eyes and that crinkles up nose and goofy faced smile. He was having a ball with Dot and me, posing like a rock star.
This is what happens when Ms. Joy puts orange icing in his mouth via a decorator tip and a bag full of orange icing. He was so funny!
I know that the icing is not as sweet as all of those kisses and hugs you were giving me today!
And thank you for answering my cell phone when Ms. Bridgett called. It made her day!
I have a new helper now! Boy he had a ball with all of the icing bags I had sitting out. He had to make a race car to eat.
I had told you that I was going to go and visit Andy and Dot today and make more cookies for Relay For Life. Andy was all excited when I got there! He ran around the house and was so excited to help me cut out the cookies. He is also so excited that he lost two bottom teeth and smiles soooooo big so everyone can see his new teeth coming in.
By the time we got finished he was getting very tired. Today was a good day for Dot and Andy...having something fun to do and something creative to help out with Relay For Life! Thank You Dot and Daryl for letting me come up and make such a big mess! And a BIG Thank You goes to Andy for being such a big helper! Andy's Big Birthday will be coming up soon! Andy turns 5! More details to come on this BIG Party!

I know that the icing is not as sweet as all of those kisses and hugs you were giving me today!
And thank you for answering my cell phone when Ms. Bridgett called. It made her day!

With Lots and Lots and Lots of sprinkles. Look at his art work on the butterfly for his Mom and a flower for himself. Boy...he didn't think about Ray or Daryl did he?
Thank You Dot for bringing him out today before his counts bottom out! I think you may have figured out by now that when Andy wants to do something....we'll make it happen!

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