Friday, I ran into the school were my children attend and on my way out I ran into our dear friend Lincoln Davis. I was so
surprised to see him coming up the side walk. He did not know that our children were students at
Centertown and was as surprised to see me and I was to see him. He and I discussed about the storms of a couple of weeks ago to the Governor's
Inaugural Ball 8 years ago. Boy how time flies! He didn't recognize the kids because they have changed so much. I thought since they have changed so much over the last few months...I would share with you their latest school pictures. Dillon, Katie, and John Ryan are a true blessing to John and myself. We know that God gave them to us for only a short time. Dillon is 13 and an 8
th grader and Katie is 11 and is a 5
th grader. John Ryan is finishing his Sophomore year of college.

As we spoke about how the storm
devastated several homes in our area, it didn't
devastate our faith, love and our will. Thank you is not enough to everyone to has either called, came by, stopped me on the street, sent sweet notes in the mail, sent e-mails, brought food, worked at our home, or those little "somethings" that you just did and are still doing. I thought that my job would be interfered with because we were having to concentrate on the house and yard so much....but I have been able to keep things rolling right along. Little things in life that use to be important...well....that changed last May when Dillon broke his hip. Being a good Christian example for my family and my community, serving God, being a good mother, daughter, sister, friend, and neighbor is my main goal in life. My mother is my shining example at 85...I see her making that great example every day. I want to be just like her. My mother can run circles around me...and...I want my children to grow from her just as I have. As my friend Bridgett says..."We are here to uplift and to edify each other". She is absolutely right. Shelia Boyd summed it up just perfect to me the other day. "Life is so short, we are only promised a short time here on earth, but eternity is forever!" She is absolutely right!
I am going to quote Dot Dunn, "While your children are sleeping tonight....stand over them and watch them as they sleep. This is a precious moment...one you can never replace." I am going to add to that quote, "Get down beside your children tonight and say your prayers with them and count all of your blessings!"