I had an absolute ball creating this cake! My friend Kathy and I talked Sunday morning at church about her husband's 50th birthday being Tuesday. Well that is all it took for my wheels and cogs to start turning.
Rudie is a HUGE Alabama fan. Well, he, MacRae, Big Dave and Mac went to the UT vs. Vandy game on Nov. 17th. While they were there, Rudie got his face spray painted orange and white with a big #1 and the power T on each cheek. Now, for a HUGE Alabama fan, we couldn't let this slip by. Big Dave took a picture of him and sent it on to me. I couldn't resist. This entire cake, tomb stone and all is eatable. It is tuff seeing the writing from the picture, but it says: Rudie O Thomsen (the T is like the power T) Converted to a Volunteer on 11/19/07. Rest His Soul. He just about died laughing!
A lot of people don't like black icing because it is bitter, but my recipe is not bitter at all. Very, very sweet!
I can do any type of shape, free hand or pan cake. I really enjoy working on the cakes that I can free hand and use my imagination!
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