Ok, my blogger friends....it's time for February's give away!
This month I will be giving away a beautifully decorated tray of my
Mouth Watering Truffles.
Here's how to enter....Tell me how you met your beloved...You know that Valentine's Day is tomorrow and what a better way of kicking this off by sharing your stories. If you add a link to my blog and have your name mentioned your name will be added again to the pot. Good Luck!
I will draw out a winner on Friday, Feb. 22nd at 5 p.m.
I don't usually share this because of the sadness associated with it. Although it does have a very happy ending.
I was a christian divorced mother to two small children. Richard was the closes thing to the "perfect Man" I knew. I was alone and very scared about the future, only sure of one thing that was God's love and guidance in our lives. Richard had just graduated from MTSU and he was home, he asked me on a date? I tried to get him a date with several of the other young ladies at church, who I thought would be a better match for him. He would not hear of it. We dated as friends, we became "best~friends" and he is my best~friend to this day. I truly believe God placed him there to help me believe in myself. He is the best gift I have ever recieved! He is truly the loving dad that Brittney and Ethan needed and still needs in their lives. We love him, and I thank God for him everyday! I could go the rest of my life and never find what I have shared with this incredible man for the last 11 1/2 years. My life is sooo good, complete and my heart is so safe with him.
My husband and I meet for the first time at Burger King. One of my best friends and her boyfriend set us up for a blind date. I did not even know what he looked like or I hadn't even heard of him. I wondered what he looked like, Tish told me somethings about him. We went to Burger King after school that day and just so happen, that Troy and Shawn came in to. Boy was I speachless. I asked Tish why I hadn't seen him. I was so relieved that he was so good looking. We went out on our date and it has grown from there. When my parents found out who he was they told me that we played together when we were little at the saddle club. It makes you feel that someone had a hand in it. Well need less to say as of March 9, 2008 we will have been together for 18 years and married for 14 of thoes. It was true love at first sight. I love him more everyday.
Thomas and I had our first date at the Warren County A&L Fair in September of 1992. I was a Junior in highschool and he was a Senior. Wow...what an amazing journey it has been ever since. We have had many blessings and a few heartaches along the way but as each year passes we become stronger together. We will be married 14 years this November!
I met Trad when we were both working at Wal-Mart. He had a girlfriend when I was single, then I had a boyfriend when he was single. So, it took us a while to get together! The good news that in all that time we had become good friends and that gave us a good base to start a relationship that has lasted over 11 years now.
I'm gonna post a link on my blog for you. :)
I moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina to be with my boyfriend I met online. Well things didn't work out between us (Thanks to his ex wife who didn't want him but didn't want anyone else to have him either) but his sister insisted that she introduces me to a man she works with so I met her at work during break time where she arranged for us to meet. We hit it off on that day and have been married 4 yrs now. I am so glad this is the way it was to be as I wouldn't want it any other way!
I met my hubby when we were both serving on Mormon missions in Utah of all places.
My companion, Sister Smith, introduced me to Elder Gold my new district leader from Kingsport, TN, and said, "You will just love Elder Gold, Sister Wills, he loves to play volleyball."
Little did she know. We became great friends over the next three months. I was then transferred to a new area and had no contact with him for 3 months until he went home and wrote me on the airplane on the way home.
I promise that if I win the giveaway, I will share some chocolate with him. He takes the 2nd round of the bar exam next week..(he missed it by 1 essay question last round) He could really use some yummy stress relieving chocolate.
Well I am not married- I am still a teenager. When I was at a sleep-over though we played a mash game and this is what happened.
I met my hubby at the dumpsters("very romantic"). We then got married at the temple. Following that we had 100 kids- outrageous. We lived together for eternity (we also lived in a regular house and were stinkin rich!!!)
I forgot to say that I left a post about you on my blog... www.pinkbasementdweller.blogspot.com
well... I am still single...a teenager but i really like chocolate! I was at the house were mash was paid and i married in the temple and we had 7 kids and lived for time and all eternity. very romantic and i like it just fine!
If i win you can post it on my mom's blog
Here in McVegas in the late 70's 1979 to be exact the "strip" was the place to be.
I met my husband one Sunday afternoon while I was with a friend riding the strip. My friend and I got into his truck big mud bogging truck with a tiny, tiny steering wheel and we rode around for awhile. I did not sit by him then my friend did!!
I actually had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend at that time as well. The crazy part of all this is when I started dating my husband,and the boyfriend I had started dating my husbands girlfriend at that time!!
I ended up marrying my husband and the boyfriend I had married my husbands girlfriend!!!
Pretty confussing I know!
We will have been married 25 years this July.
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