Today as I was compiling my list and getting ready for Thanksgiving, I stopped and started thinking about what Coy said Sunday morning about what we are blessed with. I want to share with everyone what I am blessed with.
My Blessings and What I am Thankful For:
God, because he loved us so much. The unconditional AGAPE Love, giving his son Jesus to die a cruel death on Calvary.
Jesus, his example, him starting the church, and giving his life for us to have eternal life.
For God sparing Dillon when he almost died just a few months ago and for healing his broken hip when he was in the accident at school and the doctors didn't think he would ever walk again, and I am thankful for Dr. Christofersen for his knowledge in medicine to put Dillon back together.
For God putting his hand on John Ryan when he was in the direct path of the tornado and letting him be spared when the barn was devastated and him in it.
For God being between the tornado and my children in Centertown Elementary School.
For God keeping his hand on me and John when we should have died that terrible day.
For God giving me the strength to move every day after my injury 5 weeks later. Even though it left me handicap and some what disabled, he gives me enough strength to function each day.
For God creating Dr. Rosen, the person who can help me walk without pain again. I am also thankful for my PT Rudie who has been there helping me when I struggle at therapy and cheering me through every painful exercise.
For my daughter Katie, who through all of my pain keeps telling me that God will make it go away.
For my husband, for just being him!
For my Mother...the most wonderful Christian example ever!
For my church family @ Westwood church of Christ....I love you!
My dedicated customers....who I absolutely am thankful for...I have truely enjoyed each and every thing I have made for you!
I know that there are more things that I could list, but....I pray for everyone to have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
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