Jaco called me yesterday and asked me to make a Double Chocolate Cake for her husband. She said that he has been home helping her since she had her shoulder surgery and that he has not left her side. She said that his favorite is Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate. So....I whipped up this little creation. It's a homemade double chocolate cake with chocolate
morsels on the inside and a my favorite chocolate fudge icing drizzled all over it and to garnish it chocolate
morsels sprinkled all over it.

I couldn't resist this putting it on this beautiful multi-colored tray and decorating it with a beautiful black net ribbon. When I delivered it this morning....they were all excited! I hope you and Monty enjoy it and I hope you are feeling better soon!

I got a call from my friend Jeanine Bain in Smithville asking me to make a small Baby Shower Cake for a co-worker. She said that she wanted my classic white cake with my almond buttercream icing trimmed in blue. I couldn't resist putting this darling little duckie on top of the cake. I love the colors and it is so cute....especially for a Baby Shower.
Thank You Jeanine!
Ok I am officially having a chocolate attack right now after seeing this cake!! I have heard you talking about it too and I am needing CHOCOLATE NOW!!!!
Let me tell you....as soon as I finished that cake I had to get it delivered! It was killing me too! While I was on the treadmill walking my 5.5 mi today, all I could think of was that cake....well....that's when we were talking about it on the tele.
When we make our first goal at the gym, I'll make us one and we'll get a gallon of milk and two forks and groan like Miss Paula does on TV.
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