Sliger Family has been worshiping with us at
Westwood for sometime now. Steve and Danielle have been blessed with two beautiful daughters!

Tomorrow our "Young Adult" class is going to give them a diaper shower. As most of you Mom's know that you never turn away diapers. I remember when John Ryan was born....John put the first pack of newborn diapers in the diaper stacker and he said "These will last us a month." They lasted less than a week.
I made this darling cake just with "Baby Maggie May" in mind. Pink booties and pink baby bears.
God blesses us with our children (the future of the church) and what a better way to welcome a baby into the congregation than a diaper shower!
Let me tell you...you would have absolutely DIED at the look on Paula's face when it was being discussed about not cutting the cake. I have never seen Paula move so fast before in my life! It was touch and go for a minute because I thought Paula might hurt herself rushing up to the front table to get the first piece!
I am going to make you another one for your family so you can have something to look foward to especially with all of the sickness that you guys have had!
Paula, I certainly don't blame you. It looked wonderful. I just hate that Steve and I weren't able to make it to church. We have never felt so bad. Even Marlee has not been herself. She takes two, two-three hour naps a day.
Joy, at least your cake didn't go to waste. Did Coy not give you the message? Steve called him on Friday and told him we had the flu.
I hate that you went to all that trouble and we weren't there.
Coy did tell us in class yesterday morning about your sickness, but..he had no idea that I was making a cake. He just about fell out. It was so funny...he had a look of panic on his face. We told him it was ok and then Paula dove right in and soon did everyone else. The bunch in our class are always hungry. If they are like us...we don't get to eat breakfast before services so we don't run late. I just want everyone to enjoy the simple things in life. A laugh, a compliment, a gift or whatever. Life is too short for "little things" not to happen. When Dillon got sick last year and we almost lost him...it changed my whole outlook in life. God gave me a talent and it is cooking. My gift to you will be a delicious cake for your family to enjoy!
Get to feeling better soon!
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