This year my son Dillon did his Science Fair Project on "Is All Of Our Water Safe To Drink?" We went to several different places in Warren Co. and took water samples. After 24 hours, we tested them at the Warren Co. Utility District Water Plant. We are so excited......Dillon won 1st place in the 6
th through the 8
th grade and was the Overall Winner & Best of Show in the Science Fair! I am so proud of Dillon!

This is my daughter Katie. She did a project with the help of her Daddy. Katie's project was titled. "How are roads and pavement made? Can I simulate this process with chocolate?" Katie did such a wonderful job with her project too! She was in the Top 3 in her class!
Katie and Dillon worked on their projects for about 2 weeks almost every day.
I am so very proud of my children! Way to go!!!!
so...is the water in Warren County safe to drink????
We need to know this stuff!! ha!
Hi Tori,
Yes, the water from the tap is safe to drink, but don't be drinking anything else unless it is bottled water.
The only place from the 4 places we tested that had Ecoli was Barren Fork River. (River Front Park) I think I wouldn't let the kido's wait at RFP either. I KNOW I WOULDN'T!
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